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  • Reading and Reflection: Psalm 78:3-8

    Read with me: Psalm 78:3-8 What we have heard and know; things our ancestors have recounted to us. We do not keep them from our children; we recount them to the next generation, The praiseworthy deeds of the LORD and his strength, the wonders that he performed. God made a decree in Jacob, established a law in Israel: Which he commanded our ancestors, they were to teach their children; That the next generation might come to know, children yet to be born. In turn they were to recount them to their children, that they too might put their confidence in God, And not forget God’s deeds, but keep his commandments. They were not to be like their ancestors, a rebellious and defiant generation, A generation whose heart was not constant, and whose spirit was not faithful to God. Reflect with me: God commanded the Israelites to teach their children the faith of their fathers. They would learn, mature, and grow, and then teach the same to their children and younger siblings and friends. Why should that be any different for us? Even though you may be a parent anytime in the near future, you are called to pass on the faith to your spiritual children- teaching them "the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD and his strength, the wonders that he performed." Each of us is called in a particular way to teach those around us, including the next generation of God's people- young or old- about the Lord and His goodness. How will you do this if you aren't already? For me, this looks like blogging, helping to lead retreats, and just loving people as best as I possibly can. It's quite simple: if you live your life for God, others around you will learn about He and His love through your virtue and example! It's so incredible. Our world is thirsting for love- thirsting for God. Will you be the one to show someone the love that God has for them? Hopefully, then, your influence and prayers will inspire them to "put their confidence in God, And not forget God’s deeds, but keep his commandments." Pray with me: "Lord, my God, and Father, How are you calling me to pass on the truth of who You are and what You've done to those around me? Is there a certain way that you want me to love your people? A certain person or group of people who you want me to focus on in my prayer and ministry- who will be my spiritual children? Help me to pass on the faith as the Israelites did to future generations. I want to bring you glory, Lord! I want to make known your love and mercy and all you have done for us! Thank you for the people who have shown me your deeds, strength, and wonders throughout my spiritual life and those who will do so in the future. Love, Your beloved Child who trusts in You."

  • Reading and Reflection: 1 John 2:29-3:6

    Read with me: 1 John 2:29-3:6 "If you consider that God is righteous, you also know that everyone who acts in righteousness is begotten by him. See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.Yet so we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope based on him makes himself pure, as he is pure. Everyone who commits sin commits lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness. You know that he was revealed to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who remains in him sins; no one who sins has seen him or known him." Reflect with me: We are GOD'S children now! Our identity and worth come from being children of God. Our worth doesn't come from what we do or don't do. Our worth doesn't come from our health, our abilities, or our intelligence. It doesn't diminish because we are struggling. It doesn't waver because of our life or family circumstances. Our worth, dignity, and inherent identity do not change and will not change because GOD DOES NOT CHANGE! If we are nothing else in this world, we are Children of God, and that is enough. That is what matters. Even when you feel like nothing is going well; even when you're anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, or discouraged; even when you can't see God, He is with you. YOU are HIS beloved child. He is madly in love with you, and everything He wishes for you is for your good. Our Father will never abandon us. We are called to live differently because we've been chosen to do so. God has chosen us to be His children; thus, we are called to live in righteousness, purity, and above all, love. Today, let's resolve to see our God as He is... as our Father. A Father who loves us so profoundly that if He were to reveal it to us here on earth, we would immediately die of love. Pray with me: "Lord, my God, and Father, I want to see you as you are and to be able to see myself and those around me as You do. I trust that I am your child, and You are holding me. Help me to always see myself as a child and to constantly remain in your arms and lean on you! You are so good, so strong, so loving. I need you more than anything or anyone else, Father. Help me to see my worth when I am in the dark. When I'm in the desert, help me to turn around and see that You are still with me. Carry me, my Father, when I lift my arms to you in surrender. Love, Your beloved Child who trusts in You."

  • Happy New Year!!

    Wishing you all a very blessed and happy 2023!! Today is such a big day... It's the Feast of Mary, Mother of God (yay!!), and of course, it's New Year's Day! This year, I actually have a couple of New Years' resolutions! One of my priests at school has us make goals at the beginning of each semester. He taught us that our goals should be S.M.A.R.T. specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. I used this acronym to help me set my goals for this year. Also. keep in mind that you can set new resolutions any time of year! Have you made goals for the year yet? If not, you've still got time!! It's always good to have some motivation and keep your goals in mind! I'd encourage you to set goals that help you grow spiritually, in your work or schooling, in your relationships, and in your own mental and physical health and growth. My goals for the new year are to 1) Think more logically and in a calm manner. Don't panic! And try not to let anxiety stop me. I'll check in each month and see how I do. (mental and physical health) 2) Grow my Etsy shop! My goal is to have at LEAST 25 sales by the end of the year. (work/relationships) 3) Get into more of a routine for studying at school. Color code my planner every weekend! (school) 4) Stop watching Instagram reels. Only the ones that are on my feed. They're too big of a distraction! (will help in all areas) 5) Read my new devotionals every day! (Spiritual) And, just remember, it takes time to form new habits and routines. No matter what your goals are, be patient with yourself. God is patient with you, you can be patient with yourself. 😉 Also, sometimes things go differently than we thought they would. A lot differently. Goals are flexible. As you change, so can they! I hope that you have (and had) a fun and safe New Year's Eve and day (if you're driving, PLEASE be careful!!), and a wonderful 2023. Know that you are always in my prayers!! Happy New Year! ~ Catholic Teen (Colleen)

  • MercyLight Designs!

    The Catholic Teen Life Blog is expanding! As of today, MercyLight Designs is officially open for business on Etsy! The mission of MercyLight Designs is to provide beautiful, inspiring, and accessible printable and digital media to young people that will increase and strengthen their faith, and help them to live their lives totally with and for God. I'd love if you'd check out the shop and even consider purchasing. 😊 Here's the link: And you can also find the shop by going to the MercyLight Designs page of this website. So far, products include phone wallpapers, printable spiritual bouquets, and printable prayer prints. I'd love to hear what you think! The shop also has an account on Instagram. Merry Christmas Eve to you all! Have a wonderful day!

  • "What's Next?"~ Discerning what comes next after High School

    How do you figure out, as an eighteen-year-old- or even younger, in my case- what you want to do with the rest of your life? It's hard. Really hard. How does one take everything into account and make an informed decision? Maybe you decided years ago, and you have it all figured out. Or maybe you're like me and THOUGHT you had it all figured out... and then you thought about it some more. Whichever situation you're in, before you commit to your plans, it's good to pray about it, look at it from every perspective, and make the best decision possible. Here's my recommendation: Write down all of your options on a piece of paper. Pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance. Now, go through each of your options, one by one, and consider each question on this list: Is this path morally acceptable? Will you have to do anything that goes against your faith? Is this something you will enjoy and can see yourself doing in the future? If the answer to the first and last question is yes, and the second question is no, then keep going to the next set of questions! If not, cross that idea off of your list! For this next set of questions, just consider each of them for each possible scenario. Financially: How much money will this path cost to pursue? Will you be in debt as a result? How much? Will you be able to pay off any debt if you work in your chosen career? Vocationally: Depending on what Vocation God calls you to, will this path work with that, or will it prevent you from fully living out your Vocation? If you are called to marriage, would you like a job in which you can stay home with your children? If you are called to religious life or the priesthood, will you realistically be able to pay off any debt you have accumulated from taking this path? Is this path in line with the ways that you have felt called to serve in the past? Who is this job or career path benefitting or helping? Can you support yourself, let alone a family, with the amount of money I'd make on this trajectory? If you are in a relationship and plan on getting married in the next few years, how will this decision affect your relationship and your plans to get married? If you are discerning with a religious community or discerning the priesthood, have you spoken with your diocese or religious community to seek their guidance? If you're discerning going to college: Is this a college close or far from home? Does the school have a good Catholic community or parish nearby? What is the average tuition? Is the school a healthy environment to grow in your faith, or will it hinder you? Will you pursue a two or four-year degree? What degree do you need for the job you'd like to have? Is there a way to pursue the job you'd like without going to college? (i.e., certifications, trade school, online courses, etc.) Would you live at school or commute from home? Could you work for now and then see if you need a degree later on in life? Is a degree in this field a prudent use of your time, money, and energy? Are you willing to spare a few years to pursue this degree? What would you do after you graduate college? Over breaks? Does the degree you study for require you to attend graduate school to reasonably expect to get a job? Are you willing to spend the time, money, and energy necessary to do that? If you're discerning finding a job or joining the military: How realistic is it that you will obtain the position that you want? If you take this path, will you live at home, or will you live elsewhere? Will you be able to support yourself and your family someday on an estimated salary? Will you pursue a degree later in life or stick with the same job? Will you need to pay for any training to get the job you want? Is the position you're looking at taking safe, or at least worth risking your safety? If you're discerning missionary work: Is this a cause that you feel strongly about? Will you be able to live out your Catholic faith in this setting? How long of a commitment would you have to this work? Would you work through an organization or on your own? Is the organization you would be working through aligned with your Catholic beliefs? What sort of work would you be doing? Where would you be living? What would come after your work is done and you go home? How will you raise money to support yourself and your mission? For anything you're discerning: How will this decision help you to grow in your faith in God and your love and service to His people? How will this decision affect your life in the next month? Year? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years? Fifty years? How will your decision affect your family and the people you love? What is the end goal of this decision? Am I passionate about this decision? Will this path allow me to use the gifts that God has given me for His glory? Once you've answered these questions (and any others that you think are important), look at your options once more: Which of the options now seems like the best? Pray about it for as long as you need (or as long as you have...) and then make your decision and stick to it! For me, it was crucial that I took a path that would allow me to get through college as quickly as possible with a degree that I could use to work from home while I stay home with any children I have someday. I also wanted to avoid being stuck with tons of student loan debt. Also, it would have been challenging to go to college online, as I'd initially thought, because of home situations. I also wanted to study something that would be useful in my blogging ministry and in some other plans that I have... For those reasons, and after taking everything into account, I chose to go to Saint Francis University and study Business Administration to earn my Associate degree (2 years). Later on, I'll be working to earn a certification in Catholic Theology. (Side note: Saint Francis University is a great Catholic college, and I'd highly recommend checking it out if you're discerning getting a college education!) It took me a long time to decide what I wanted to do after high school... hours of googling programs, weighing my options, and trying to determine what was best. In the end, though, I am happy with my decision! In today's world, there are so many paths that can be taken. As Catholics, we have the added responsibility of looking to the future, to our Vocation, and taking into account what will best help us to serve those around us and those whom we will serve and be responsible for. Deciding what comes next after high school is a big decision, not one to be taken lightly. However, with some prayer and careful consideration, a well-informed decision is most definitely possible. Give it to God! As St. Padre Pio said, "Pray, hope, and don't worry!"

  • "Jesus, we trust that You are our Joy!"

    Today is Gaudete Sunday- more commonly known as the Sunday when we wear pink, haha! The word Gaudete means "rejoice!" We are reminded today, amid the waiting, that joy will come, and Jesus will reign. I find it challenging to be joyful, and I'm sure you might, too, sometimes. Let's remember, though, friends, that joy is not happiness. Joy consists of constantly having in your mind and living out the phrase, "Jesus, I trust in You." Jesus, we trust you with our family situations. Jesus, we trust you with all the problems of the world. Jesus, we trust that you'll forgive us for our mistakes and sins. Jesus, we trust you with our schoolwork. Jesus, we trust you with our chronic illness. Jesus, we trust you with our grief and sadness. Jesus, we trust you with our anxiety. Jesus, we trust you with our depression. Jesus, we trust you with the feeling of abandonment. Jesus, we trust you with all our insecurities. Jesus, we trust you with our friends. Jesus, we trust you with our parents and siblings. Jesus, we trust you with our future plans. Jesus, we trust you with our conflicts. Jesus, we trust you with our health. Jesus, we trust you with our uncertainties. Jesus, we trust you with our fears. Jesus, we trust you with unresolved complicated situations. Jesus, we trust you with our pasts. Jesus, we trust you with each other. Jesus, we trust you with the failings of the Church. Jesus, we trust you that you'll help us love more deeply. Jesus, we trust that your Words are true. Jesus, we trust that you are merciful. Jesus, we trust you with everything. Jesus, we trust that You are our joy! That, my friends, is where you will find true joy: in trusting our Jesus and waiting on Him with expectant hope. Whatever it is that is stealing your joy and peace, give it to Him. "I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete." (John 15:11). All we need to be truly joyful is our Jesus. He is our joy. Jesus is where we'll find joy, no matter what else is going on in our lives. And, this Advent, as we prepare for His coming, we are confident that someday, we'll be filled with the highest degree of joy possible when we are fully united with Him in Heaven. But for now? For now, find your joy. Find your Jesus. Find Him in His Word, in the Sacraments, in service to His people. Find Him in the stillness of a church just by sitting before Him, simply basking in His love and mercy. I pray for you today, that you'd be filled with the joy, hope, and peace that Christ brings; please keep me in your prayers!

  • Advent things... 💙

    Hi friends! Just a reminder.... Tomorrow is the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and, thus, a Holy Day of Obligation! Don't forget to go to Mass! : ) We celebrate and remember the day 9 months before Mary was born (September 8) that marks the day of her conception. This is known as the Immaculate Conception, because Mary came into being without original sin. Some simple ways to celebrate this day would be to pray the Rosary, put flowers at a statue of the Blessed Mother, or light a candle in her honor. You could dress in blue (her color! 💙). Listen to Marian Hymns. And most importantly, go to Mass!!! While we're on the topic of Catholic things to do in everyday life.... What are you doing for Advent this year? Lent isn't the only time we make spiritual resolutions! Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ, which means we must prepare our own hearts and souls for His coming! Personally, I've been reading the Blessed is She Advent Devotional (find the digital download here!), trying to pray the Rosary each day while coloring in my Drawn to Faith "Mysteries of the Rosary" coloring book that my roommate gave me (Find it here!), as well as praying using advent meditations and prayers on the Hallow App, in addition to my other daily reading and journaling. I'm also going to be finishing redoing my Consecration to St. Joseph on the 10th! Please keep me in your prayers! Advent is a beautiful time for a new beginning. How are you growing closer to God this Advent season? I'd love to hear about it! You could also leave some suggestions on the Catholic Teen Life Blog forum, if you wish, or just leave a comment below. It's never too late to start making room for Jesus ❤️ Have a beautiful day, and blessed Feast of the Immaculate Conception tomorrow! ~ Catholic Teen

  • Just a note : )

    Hi friends! I just wanted to ask for some prayers! Tomorrow my dad is being ordained as a Permanent deacon. Then, on Monday and Tuesday I have my last classes for the semester, and then it's finals week! This is a crazy, but wonderful season of life. I am so grateful for you all and for your prayers. Thank you for your patience as I navigate balancing college and blogging and such! I hope to be more active soon : ) Please also keep my family, especially my father, in your prayers as we begin this new journey! Happy belated Thanksgiving!! In His Mercy, Catholic Teen

  • Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe!

    ORIGINALLY POSTED 11/20!!! A blessed and happy solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! This is my favorite day of the liturgical year. It's just so incredible. Like, think about it... Our Jesus. Whom we are in love with and who loves us in return, who cares about each and every tiny, seemingly insignificant moment of our lives, who sees you in our most joyful and sorrowful times, is literally the king of the universe!! That includes any possible aliens. Right? I'd think so. Might need to ask Jimmy Akin about that one. 🤣 But all jokes aside, our Jesus is greater. He's greater than all of the evil, strife, turmoil, war, famine, drought, poverty, and fear. He's greater than your big test tomorrow that you were going to skip Mass to study for. He's greater than sleeping in for an extra twenty minutes and losing your prayer time for the day. He's greater than all mental illness. He's greater than you. he's greater than me. He's the King over everything, every aspect of our lives. Jesus is the King. We, the Church, are His bride. Friend, do you realize your dignity?! Do you realize that you have such an amazing privilege and responsibility? As a member of the royal family, you are an image of the kingdom. You must reflect the kingdom's values, morals, traditions, and laws. You are also responsible for defending the kingdom against all attacks from neighboring kingdoms. That being said, you must know the laws and teachings that the kingdom upholds. You must always reflect the kingdom in the way you dress and conduct yourself. You are set apart. At the same time, by the nature of your position, you are called to minister to those outside of the kingdom, and you will naturally draw them in by the goodness, beauty, and truth that you exude. You must draw them back to your spouse, the King, so they, too, can worship Him and come to know and love Him. Friend, your King has gifted you with an amazing responsibility. But this day is not about you; it's not about me. It's about Him! It's about Our Lord Jesus Christ. It's about His kingdom—the Kingdom of Heaven. I invite you to reflect on that today as you go to Mass and go about your day. Think about your King... think about how good He is, how much He cares for His people. Think about who YOU are because of Him and about the responsibilities you are privileged to have because of your royalty. And most of all, thank Him. Thank our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe, for being your king and for making it possible for you to be a member of His Kingdom!

  • This is not a blog post.

    This is not a blog post. This is not an article. This is not a reflection. This is just me. Here to tell you. That Jesus loves you. Don't be afraid. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm here if you need to talk. I'm praying for you. Keep being the light. <3

  • Be the Light!!

    Today we celebrate the Feast Day of Pope John Paul II, an incredible man who died in 2005 and was a lover of youth, spiritual father to the world, brother in Christ, and the adopted and devoted son of God and Mary. JP2, as he's lovingly known, once said, "Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are." Have you ever known someone who just seems to radiate love, joy, and peace? Who is striving to be so close to Jesus that they literally radiate His love? It's like you could know they're in love with him just by hearing them speak. That was JP2, and that's what he, as the pope, wanted for all of us. You are called to be someone who is filled with that light of Christ. Not just filled by it, but taken over by it!! Our love for Christ should be so evident that all who encounter us can see Christ's love, joy, peace, and mercy within our souls. It seems overwhelming at first. We all fail at doing this! I certainly do. I'm young, and I'm still learning. In fact, I doubt I'll never ever be happy all the time until Jesus brings me to Heaven someday!! But happiness is not the goal. Joy is the goal. Love is the goal. Fear, anxiety, depression, illness, worry, stress, sadness, or anything of the sort need not steal our joy and peace. They aren't from God. He's greater than all of that! He defeated death, for goodness sake! He's got this!! His light always shines. If we let Him work through us and resolve to be undeterred by the things, circumstances, feelings, and people of this world that try to blow out the candle radiating the Light of Christ within us, then we too, as Pope St. John Paul II did, continuously shine the light of Christ's love, joy, peace, and mercy to our world!

  • Look at the Trees...

    The trees are fully dependent on God. Without Him, without His gift of the proper amount of sunlight, of rain, of nutrients from the soil, they would die. Trees, in a sense, are fully surrendered to God, as is all of natural creation, and as we ought to strive to be. Now, if even the trees, living organisms without souls, that don't do much of anything except help us breathe and sometimes provide us with food, are completely taken care of by our God, then why would we ever believe that He is not taking care of us, preparing us for our death and Eternal Life? Think about a tree. Most trees, right now, are losing their leaves, beginning their journey towards death and winter's sleep until they can wake up in the spring. It would be difficult to believe that such a tree, filled with reds and yellows and oranges would be barren, empty, and seemingly lifeless in just a little while. God makes these trees beautiful. Without Him, they wouldn't not exist. If He can make the trees beautiful before they seemingly die, how much more beautiful is He able to make your soul before you (seemingly) die and enter into eternal life!! Friends, all our lives, we are preparing for Heaven. Our leaves, if we allow them to, change colors until we are, in the eyes of God, ready for Eternal Life. Sometimes, on earth, not all of our leaves have changed colors by the time we die. That's what purgatory is for... To prepare us, even more, for Heaven, if that's what we desire, and to make beautiful the parts of our souls that have not yet been perfected. God knows what we need, both in our physical needs, and spiritual needs. He will take care of us, and will give us every oppurtunity possible to be with Him forever in Heaven. Look at the trees today... See how they're clothed in beauty. That's how much God loves them. Then look in the mirror. He loves you, dear friend, infinitely more. ❤️

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